Discover the benefits of PPC advertising for e-commerce businesses. Learn how targeted, data-driven PPC campaigns can boost sales, manage budgets, and achieve high ROI.
Discover the best Facebook Ads strategies for e-commerce in 2024. Learn how to leverage AI, use various ad formats, and optimize your ad funnel to drive sales and engagement.
Unlock significant online growth for your ecommerce store with Google Ads. Learn how to effectively use various ad formats, set goals, plan budgets, and optimize campaigns to drive traffic and boost sales.
Learn how to get started with Google Ads for your ecommerce business. This comprehensive guide covers everything from setting up your account to optimizing campaigns for increased sales and traffic.
Learn why Facebook ads are effective, how to create and personalize campaigns, and discover the top strategies and ad types that can drive sales and increase brand awareness.
This comprehensive guide explores the process of hiring an ecommerce agency, detailing the benefits, types of services offered, and the best time to hire. Learn about practical steps for selecting the right agency, from determining your needs to interviewing potential partners.
Learn essential strategies for boosting your online store’s visibility in search engine results. Discover how to conduct effective keyword research, optimize your site structure, and implement on-page SEO techniques.
Learn the basics of setting up Google Ads accounts and understanding the interface to advanced strategies like optimizing Shopping Ads, Remarketing Ads, Search Ads, Performance Max, Display Ads, and YouTube Ads.
Explore how to use Facebook Ads for ecommerce, detailing their continued effectiveness in 2024, and providing a step-by-step approach to running successful campaigns.
Faith Planner is a Christian Planner and Prayer Journal designed to help Christians grow closer to God.
Hemlock Hat Co partnered with Edeska to design, launch, grow and optimize their online marketing campaigns to grow their e-commerce sales.
Commissions Early partnered with Edeska to launch their innovative company offering fast processing and competitive rates to real estate brokers.
Origin House is a growing cannabis brands and distribution company operating across key markets in the U.S. and Canada, with a strategic focus on becoming a preeminent global house of cannabis brands.
Infinity Insurance Company is a publicly listed insurance company that offers auto, home, life, and business insurance products.
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Relevant Group is a vertically integrated, design-focused real estate development company that creates distinctive hospitality, real estate and lifestyle destinations.
Robco Fence and Deck is the largest manufacturer and installer of decks and fences in Raleigh, NC. The Company started in 2015 and reached the Inc 500 in 2018. Edeska designed the website and manages all online marketing activities for Robco.
A high functioning website, optimized ads, results-focused content strategy and effective sales automation elevated the online marketing results for Superior Awning.
Edeska's step by step guide to marketing your construction business online. Perfect for direct to consumer businesses such as deck, fence, roofing, awning, gate and other construction companies.