
Hiring an ecommerce agency is a significant step for any store owner, but it doesn’t have to be daunting. There are many options for partners who can help build your app, launch your store, or reach more customers.

If you haven’t hired an ecommerce agency before, the process can feel intimidating. Is it worth the investment? Should you hire or outsource? What kind of agency do you need?

Here’s everything you need to know to make hiring an ecommerce agency a success.

What is an Ecommerce Agency?

An ecommerce agency is a B2B business that offers a range of services to help ecommerce companies achieve their goals. These services include digital marketing, content creation, SEO strategy, social media management, and more. They provide specialized expertise to help you navigate the complexities of running an online store.

Ecommerce agencies come with a team of professionals who are skilled in various aspects of ecommerce. They can help with website design, development, and optimization, ensuring your store is not only attractive but also functional and user-friendly. They can also assist with marketing strategies, from SEO to social media campaigns, to increase traffic and conversions.

Why Hire an Ecommerce Agency

The primary benefit of hiring an ecommerce agency is to allow you to focus on running your business while they handle tasks that can be managed more efficiently by experts. Here are some other benefits:

Faster Results: Hiring an agency is faster and more efficient than hiring new employees. Agencies are ready to start immediately, bringing an entire team of strategists to help grow your business. They can quickly identify areas that need improvement and implement changes that can yield results in a shorter time frame.

Specialized Expertise: Agencies provide a team of experts specializing in specific areas, such as Google Ads, ensuring better results than a generalist approach. Each team member brings a deep understanding of their field, which translates to more effective strategies and implementations.

Outside Perspective: Agencies bring fresh ideas and best practices from working with various clients. They can offer insights that you might not have considered, helping you to innovate and stay ahead of the competition.

Cost Savings: Agencies are often cheaper than hiring full-time employees. You get the expertise you need without the costs and commitments associated with full-time staff. This includes savings on salaries, benefits, and training costs.

Types of Ecommerce Agencies

Ecommerce Marketing Agencies: These agencies specialize in digital marketing for ecommerce companies. They offer services like digital strategy, social media marketing, content creation, search marketing, online advertising, influencer marketing, community management, and conversion rate optimization (CRO). Their goal is to increase brand awareness, drive traffic, and convert visitors into customers.

Ecommerce SEO Agencies: These agencies focus on generating organic traffic through search engine optimization (SEO). They help your site rank higher in search results, which drives more traffic to your store. Services include keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, and content creation.

Ecommerce Development Agencies: These agencies help create and optimize online stores, ensuring a smooth shopping experience and integrating necessary systems like payment processors and marketing channels. They focus on user experience (UX) design, ensuring your website is easy to navigate and functional. They also handle technical aspects like site speed, mobile optimization, and security.

When is the Right Time to Hire an Ecommerce Agency?

Consider hiring an ecommerce agency if you:

  • See a Decline in Sales: If your sales are stagnating or declining, an agency can help identify and fix the issues.
  • Are Launching a New Product: An agency can help generate buzz and ensure a successful product launch.
  • Lack the Necessary Skills In-House: If you don’t have the expertise needed for certain tasks, an agency can fill in the gaps.
  • Are Breaking into a New Market: Agencies can help with localization strategies and market research.
  • Are Running Out of Time to Handle Tasks Yourself: If you’re overwhelmed with tasks, outsourcing to an agency can help you focus on core business activities.
  • Don’t Enjoy Marketing: If marketing isn’t your forte, an agency can handle it for you, allowing you to focus on what you do best.

How to Select the Best Ecommerce Agency for Your Store

  1. Determine Your Needs: Define your goals, budget, timeline, and desired results. Be specific about what you want to achieve, whether it’s increasing sales, improving user experience, or launching a new product.
  2. Consider Your Budget: Ensure you’re comfortable with the investment required. Agencies can adjust their services to meet your budget, but it’s essential to have a clear idea of how much you’re willing to spend.
  3. Find the Right Fit: Research and shortlist agencies, focusing on those with proven results in your industry. Look for case studies and client testimonials to gauge their effectiveness.
  4. Interview Your Chosen Agency: Ask questions about their experience, processes, and how they will work with you. This will help you understand their approach and determine if they’re a good fit for your business.
  5. Review and Accept Their Proposal: Ensure their proposal aligns with your goals and budget. The proposal should outline the services they will provide, timelines, and costs.
  6. Make the Hire: Once you’ve agreed on terms, sign the contract and begin the onboarding process. The agency will gather the necessary information from you to start their work.

Don’t Rush the Process

Hiring the right ecommerce agency is a significant decision. Take your time to choose the right partner, ask plenty of questions, and ensure the agency aligns with your business goals. A well-chosen agency can significantly boost your ecommerce growth and customer base.

Ecommerce Agency FAQ

What is the average cost of hiring an ecommerce agency? The cost varies depending on the services you need. On average, agencies charge between $2,000 and $15,000 per month. However, some specialized services might cost more.

How long does it take to see results? Results can vary depending on the scope of work and your business goals. Some improvements, like site speed and UX enhancements, can show immediate results, while SEO and marketing campaigns might take a few months to yield significant outcomes.

What should I look for in an ecommerce agency? Look for an agency with experience in your industry, a proven track record of success, and a team of experts. Additionally, ensure they align with your business culture and values.

How do agencies measure success? Agencies typically measure success through KPIs like increased traffic, higher conversion rates, improved SEO rankings, and revenue growth. They should provide regular reports and updates on their progress.

Can I hire an agency for a one-time project? Yes, many agencies offer one-time project services. Whether you need a website redesign, a product launch campaign, or an SEO audit, agencies can provide tailored services to meet your needs.

What if I’m not satisfied with the agency’s performance? It’s essential to have clear communication and set expectations from the start. If issues arise, address them with the agency immediately. Most agencies will work to resolve any problems and ensure client satisfaction. If necessary, you can also refer to the contract terms for dispute resolution.

Case Studies

Case Study 1: Jack Rogers Footwear brand Jack Rogers hired an ecommerce agency to help increase direct-to-consumer sales. The agency assisted with their Shopify migration, improving their ecommerce platform. As a result, traffic increased by 60%, and conversions improved by 30%.

Case Study 2: Stanfield’s Stanfield’s transitioned from Magento to Shopify Plus with the help of an ecommerce agency. This migration led to a 168% increase in conversion rate, a 20% growth in average order value (AOV), and a 59% increase in total transactions.

Case Study 3: Molekule Air purifier company Molekule hired an agency to validate its product concept and manage its launch strategy. The agency’s efforts helped Molekule sell out two pre-launches, demonstrating the effectiveness of their collaboration.

Case Study 4: The Beauty Chef Skin care company The Beauty Chef worked with an ecommerce agency to expand into the US and UK markets. The agency helped set up and launch necessary web pages, facilitating a successful market entry.

Detailed Steps to Hiring an Ecommerce Agency

Step 1: Determine Your Needs Identify your business goals, whether they are increasing sales, improving website functionality, or launching a new product. Define your budget, timeline, and desired outcomes. Research other businesses that have achieved similar goals to provide your agency with clear examples.

Step 2: Consider Your Budget Understand the costs associated with hiring an agency. Budget considerations include the scope of work, timeline, and project complexity. Agencies can often adjust their services to fit your budget, but it’s essential to know your financial limits.

Step 3: Find the Right Fit Start by browsing through directories like Shopify’s partner list to find agencies with a proven track record. Look for case studies and client testimonials. Consider cultural fit, location, and past experience with businesses similar to yours.

Step 4: Interview Your Chosen Agency Prepare questions to gauge their experience and compatibility. Ask about their past work, communication processes, team structure, and workflow. Ensure they understand your goals and can provide the services you need.

Step 5: Review and Accept Their Proposal Carefully review the agency’s proposal to ensure it aligns with your goals and budget. The proposal should detail the services offered, timelines, and costs. Clarify any uncertainties before proceeding.

Step 6: Make the Hire Once satisfied with the proposal, sign the contract and begin the onboarding process. Provide the agency with all necessary information and stay engaged throughout the project. Regular communication is key to ensuring the agency’s strategies align with your business objectives.

Step 7: Monitor Progress and Results Stay in touch with the agency to monitor progress and results. Request regular updates and reports on key performance indicators (KPIs). This will help you gauge the effectiveness of their strategies and make any necessary adjustments.


Hiring an ecommerce agency can be a game-changer for your business. It allows you to leverage specialized expertise, gain an outside perspective, and achieve faster results while saving costs. By following a structured approach to selecting and hiring the right agency, you can ensure a successful partnership that drives growth and enhances your ecommerce operations.

Explore our services if you need a reliable and experienced ecommerce partner. With a proven history of helping businesses achieve their goals, we offer a wide range of services customized to meet your unique needs. Whether you want to enhance your website, launch a new product, or boost your online presence, our team of experts here at Edeska will help you succeed.

Remember, the key to a successful partnership is clear communication, setting realistic expectations, and choosing an agency that aligns with your business goals and values. Take your time to make an informed decision, and you’ll find that the right ecommerce agency, like Edeska, can significantly boost your business’s success.